Question types in ExamJet

The Question can contain the question text itself, possible answers, points, and other useful information during the test or analyzing results.

ExamJet allows you to create the following types of questions:

  1. Multiple Choice
  2. Checkboxes
  3. True/False
  4. Sequence
  5. Matching
  6. Essay
  7. File Upload

Multiple Choice #

When creating a Multiple Choice question, consider the following:

  • There is only one correct answer
  • You can add from 2 to 10 possible answers

Checkboxes #

When creating a Checkboxes question, consider the following:

  • There can be more than one correct answer
  • You can add from 2 to 10 possible answers

True/False #

When creating a True/False question, consider the following:

  • There is only one correct answer
  • You can add only two possible answers

Sequence #

When creating a Sequence question, consider the following:

  • The answer is correct if the answer sequence is matched
  • You can add from 2 to 10 possible answers

Matching #

When creating a Matching question, consider the following:

  • The correct answer is count when the student matches the value from the left to the value from the right column
  • You can add from 2 to 10 possible answers
  • If you check the Strict Grading option, the student should match all answers to get the point
  • If you uncheck the Strict Grading option, the received point will be calculated based on how many correct answers will the student have

Essay #

When creating an Essay question, consider the following:

  • Students will get the grading after checking the work manually

File Upload #

When creating a File Upload question, consider the following:

  • The question can contain the list of template files. Students can download and use them as a blueprint when answering the question
  • Students are allowed to upload files as an answer
  • Students will get the grading after checking the work manually

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