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Top 10 Onboarding Questions To Ask On Your First Day Of Work

Starting a new job can feel like stepping into a maze without a map. It’s normal to have a whirlwind of questions swirling in your head on day one. Lucky for you, this article is the compass that will help guide your first steps, setting you up for success from the get-go.

Dive in and discover the must-ask questions that unlock a smoother onboarding journey!

Key Takeaways

  • Ask about the expectations for your role in the first 90 days to understand goals and how you fit into the company’s vision.
  • Learn when evaluations and check-ins will occur to prepare for feedback on your performance.
  • Find out how to share ideas and who to talk with, showing you’re eager to contribute to the team’s success.
  • Get to know your main tasks for week one and who you’ll be reporting to, which helps with early learning and development.
  • Inquire about communication preferences at work, work hours, tools used by the team, and essential daily tasks for a smooth start.

The Importance of Asking Questions on Your First Day

When you ask questions on your first day, you show you’re eager to learn and fit in. This sets the stage for good communication and shows your new team that you are proactive. Asking questions helps you better understand the job, what’s expected of you, and how to meet those expectations.

You’ll also learn about company culture, which is key to feeling comfortable in your new environment.

Getting these answers early on can boost your confidence and help with job satisfaction. Taking charge of your learning process makes it clear that you’re invested in long-term success at the company – not just there to do a job.

Good questions can even improve employee retention by helping ensure everyone is on the same page from day one.

Top 10 Onboarding Questions

Diving headfirst into a new job, you’re armed with enthusiasm and a thirst for knowledge—eager to discover your success story. Let’s unpack the top 10 onboarding questions that will show your proactiveness and lay the groundwork for thriving in your new role.

What are the expectations for my position in the first 90 days?

You should know precisely what your boss expects from you in the first 90 days. This time is crucial for learning and growth on the job, and your manager may have set goals for you to meet.

These could include specific projects to finish or skills to master. It’s not just about doing everyday tasks; it’s also about understanding how your role fits into the company’s vision and goals.

Ask for a clear plan that includes key milestones at 30, 60, and 90 days. This will help track your progress and show your commitment to meeting expectations. Regular check-ins with your supervisor will keep you on target and ensure any issues are dealt with immediately.

Staying aligned with these early goals empowers you to contribute effectively and sets the stage for future success in your new role.

When will I have evaluations and informal check-ins?

Check with your boss about how often the team has evaluations. Are they every few months or more often? It’s important to know so you can set goals and improve your work. Ask how these check-ins happen, too.

Will you sit down for a chat, or will it be a formal meeting? This way, you’ll always be ready to talk about your progress.

Find out if there are casual ways to get feedback between formal reviews. Some places have quick meetings every week where everyone shares what they’re working on. Others might just have an open-door policy where you can ask for help anytime.

Knowing this helps you stay on track and shows that the company cares about helping you do well from day one.

How can I share my ideas?

Got a great idea? Don’t keep it to yourself. Ask your new team how you can share those bursts of inspiration. It’s about finding the proper channels and processes within the company.

Maybe there’s a weekly meeting where everyone tosses ideas, or perhaps they use a digital platform where thoughts are welcomed anytime.

Learn who to talk with about what’s on your mind. This could be your direct manager or even a team dedicated to innovation. Sharing your ideas isn’t just about speaking up; it aligns with building trust and shows you’re eager to contribute to the company’s goals.

Remember, each thought you bring forward helps weave you into the organizational culture—and might spark the next big thing!

Can you tell me about the company’s vision?

Asking about the company vision lets you see where your work fits into the big picture. It’s all about getting to know the mission and future goals of where you’ll spend a lot of time.

Understanding this can help align your own values and efforts with the company’s long-term goals. It shows that you care more than your day-to-day tasks; you’re interested in how those tasks contribute to larger aspirations.

Knowing the vision can also give you a sense of belonging. You start to feel part of something greater, which boosts motivation and job satisfaction. Learning about company culture and priorities early on helps integrate new hires like yourself smoothly into their roles.

Next up is exploring your main objectives for week one.

What are my main objectives for week one?

Understanding the company’s vision sets the stage for your initial tasks. Your first week is about learning what your job entails. You’ll examine job descriptions, work plans, and training needs.

These help you grasp how to fit into the bigger picture. It’s essential to know immediately what success looks like in your new role.

Focus on setting a solid foundation from day one by learning key processes and identifying daily responsibilities. Start building relationships with co-workers who can help navigate your new environment.

Ask questions, take notes, and make sure you know who to report to for guidance. The goal is to show eagerness to learn and a proactive mindset that aligns with organizational goals for employee engagement and collaboration problem-solving.

Who will I be reporting to?

You’ll want to find out who your boss is right away. This will help you understand where you fit in the team structure and what your chain of command looks like. Knowing this will set the stage for a solid relationship with your supervisor.

It also clarifies who will guide you through on-the-job training and performance management.

Figuring out who gives assignments, feedback, and support can reduce confusion. It lets you know whom to go to when you have questions or need help solving problems at work.

So ask about your direct reports—they’re key to your learning and development, helping align you with the company’s goals from day one.

What tools do you use to get your work done?

Ask about the tools you’ll need for your job. Knowing the available software or equipment helps you start on the right foot. Some companies use specialized programs for project management or communication.

You might also learn about resources for collaborative problem-solving. This question shows you’re ready to dive into your work and make an impact.

Find out if there’s an employee experience platform in place. These platforms can streamline tasks and keep everyone on the same page with strategic planning. Understanding how these tools fit into daily operations and organizational alignment is key.

They ensure you handle privacy properly, meet accountability standards, and avoid workplace discrimination risks guided by EEOC policies.

What should I consider essential daily tasks?

Once you’re familiar with the tools needed for your job, it’s time to focus on daily tasks. Knowing which assignments to tackle each day sets you up for success. Find out what actions are most important and need doing every day.

These might be checking emails, attending meetings, or updating project statuses.

Your manager can give you a list of critical activities. Make sure you understand these well. They keep the business running smoothly and help everyone meet their goals. Keep track of these tasks and make them part of your routine.

This will show your team that you’re reliable and organized.

How do people prefer to communicate at the office?

People like to talk at work in different ways. Some like face-to-face chats. They think it’s the best way to share ideas and get things done quickly. Others send emails when they don’t need a quick answer.

This lets them think over their words before sending them. Many enjoy instant messaging for quick updates or questions. It feels more laid-back than formal emails.

Most offices also hold regular meetings where teams come together to discuss big projects or plans for the company. These can be in-person or online through video calls, depending on what works for everyone involved.

Good communication helps everyone stay in the loop and build strong work relationships from day one!

What are the expectations for work hours?

Communicating with your team is one thing, but knowing when you’ll be doing the talking and working is another. Ask about work hours to get a grip on daily life at your new job. Find out if everyone sticks to a strict nine-to-five schedule or if there’s wiggle room for early birds and night owls.

Your manager should explain the company’s policies as clearly as possible.

Knowing if you can mix it up with remote work or flexible hours is good. Being clued in helps you juggle your time like a pro – think about family, hobbies, and all that extra stuff that matters to you.

Remember, feeling comfortable from day one starts with understanding when you’re on duty and off the clock!


Jumping into a new job can be like exploring uncharted territory. Asking these top onboarding questions helps you confidently map the landscape and set up camp. Remember, understanding your role, how to communicate, and what’s expected of you is key to thriving in your new position.

So go ahead – ask away! Your future self will thank you for taking charge from day one.


1. What should I ask about the onboarding process?

Ask how your onboarding experience will unfold – what steps you need to take, who you’ll meet, and how this process will help you get settled in your new role.

2. Why is it important to understand the company’s value proposition?

Knowing the company’s value proposition helps you see where your work fits in; it connects your job to the bigger picture and can reduce job dissatisfaction.

3. Can asking questions help prevent employee turnover?

Absolutely — by asking smart questions during recruitment, including ones about expectations and support, you’re more likely to enjoy your employment and stay longer.

4. How does market research relate to my first day of work questions?

Dive into market research by inquiring about recent trends affecting the company – showing that go-getter attitude right from the start!


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