How questions are organized in ExamJet

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Manage Question Banks in ExamJet

ExamJet’s unique feature of managing question banks makes it a great tool for teachers, universities, and corporations. It simplifies the process of creating questions by allowing users to easily customize question banks for multiple uses.

Plus, having access to an organized database allows users to easily find the most appropriate questions for their desired purpose.

ExamJet’s question banks module also allows users to search from thousands of questions, categorize them into relevant topics, collaborate in real-time with colleagues, and even view analytics based on student scores – all in one easy-to-use platform.

Core Features

Available question types in ExamJet

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Multiple choice questions are used in ExamJet to check the knowledge and understanding of a particular topic. It works by providing several options, from which the learner has to pick the correct answer.

In the Multiple Choice questions, all available answers must be provided for learners to choose from, making it easier for them to find the right solution.

The Multiple choice question type can be used in different scenarios, such as tests, exams, and surveys. They are ideal for assessing knowledge on a wide range of topics, including math, science, history, and more.

With ExamJet’s question bank feature, you can easily create multiple-choice questions and use them to assess the understanding of your learners. You can even customize the question banks by adding images, audio, and video to make them more engaging.

Question Type: Checkboxes

Like Multiple Choice, Checkbox questions are a question type used in ExamJet to check that learners understand specific concepts or ideas. The answer options for these types of questions are usually presented as boxes that the learner must tick when they are correct.

It works by providing a statement and several options, from which the learner has to select all relevant answers. For example, in a math question, you might provide four possible solutions and ask the learner to check all that apply.

Question Type: True/False

The True/False question type works by providing two options, True or False, as the answer.

It is useful for testing learners’ understanding of facts, concepts, or ideas, allowing them to evaluate their knowledge quickly and easily.

Question Type: Sequence

In the Sequence question type, learners must arrange the given responses in a particular order.

The question can be written as a simple statement followed by several options, which the learner must arrange in an appropriate sequence. This question type is ideal for assessing learners’ understanding of key concepts or ideas in a certain order.

Question Type: Matching

The Matching question type works by providing two separate lists of items that must be matched in the correct order. It is used to assess learners’ ability to make connections between different concepts or ideas.

For example, a question might provide a list of words followed by an associated definition with each word. The learner must match the words with the definitions to answer the question correctly.

The Matching question type is ideal for testing learners’ comprehension of key concepts or ideas, and it can serve as an effective tool for assessing their knowledge. It also encourages them to think critically and make connections between different pieces of information.

Question Type: Essay

The Essay question type is a question type used in ExamJet to check the understanding of complex topics and concepts. It requires the learner to provide an answer in essay format, focusing on the main arguments or points they wish to make.

An essay question provides learners with the opportunity to express their thoughts, opinions, and knowledge on a certain topic. It can be used to assess their understanding of complex topics or ideas, as well as their ability to communicate them effectively.

The Essay question type is ideal for testing learners’ knowledge on a deep level and can be used in multiple scenarios, such as tests, exams, and surveys.

Question Type: File Upload

The File Upload question type is a question type used in ExamJet to enable learners to upload files (e.g. images, audio, video) as part of their answer. This question type is ideal for assessing learners’ understanding of certain topics or ideas using multimedia sources.

For example, the question may ask learners to upload a picture or a video related to the question. The question might also include an open-ended question, allowing them to explain and discuss their answer further.

File Upload question type is useful for assessing learners’ ability to think critically and apply their understanding of certain topics or ideas in creative ways. It also encourages them to use multimedia sources such as images, audio, and video to communicate their answers effectively. This question type is great for tasks such as presenting projects or summarizing events.